About Us
Transformation Church (TC) is a ministry that is committed to sharing the Gospel of Christ and equipping individuals and families to achieve their purpose and position in the Kingdom.
Our Vision
Toledo is a better place because of the contributions, leadership and presence of those who are connected to Transformation Church.
Pillars of Belief
The Bible
TC believes the Bible to be holy and our instructions to live our lives victoriously. (2 Tim 3:16)
TC believes that God is the creator of the universe and exists in three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God sacrificed his only begotten son (Jesus Christ) for our sins and transgressions. (1 Corin 8:6)
TC believes that all who confess that Jesus Christ is your Savior have access to eternal life through the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. (John 1:9)
TC believes that baptism by immersion in water is an outward expression of your commitment to Jesus Christ. (Mark 16:16)
Holy Spirit
TC believes that spiritual gifts are ones given by God are activated through the guiding of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corin 12)
TC believes that the church is more than just an edifice but rather a congregation of like-minded believers who desire to be a beacon of light in their community. (Acts 2:42)